Tuesday, March 19, 2013

i'm already getting texas pride

So folks, as you probably know, I got my mission call!!

Texas Houston, English speaking!! I leave July 3rd.

I am so happy to where I got called. When I found out where I got called to, I was just so happy. Because of that, I just knew it was right. I wouldn't be this happy if I wasn't supposed to go. I leave actually pretty soon -- in about 4 months I will be in the MTC. I will spend a few weeks and then be out to Houston! AHHH!! I used to dis Texas and make fun of their Texan pride, however, I already love Texas and I am so happy I got called there, and English speaking. It is so perfect for me :) I am visiting my sister who lives in Texas next week so I get to see how great Texas is. -- I am excited about that!


Here is my mission call opening, enjoy :)

Still Brave, Still Crazy, Still Mostly Young, Still Me!


p.s. anyone guess correctly? 
p.p.s. March Madness, fill out those brackets!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

a little bit of homemaking

At my work, every week we have a treat day where obviously we bring treats. I can tell you it is a great day. Because of this wonderful day, I have been making different treats. This is what I made for tomorrow.I don't like to bring boring treats. I want to bring something that people will like, not just out of courtesy. I want to be proud of what I make. I do like when it turns out!

Creative :)

Don't mind the lovely background.

 Still Brave, Still Crazy, Still Mostly Young, Still Me!

Love, Rachel

p.s. It's my half birthday this month. 20 and 1/2

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

i love you

March has never my favorite month. It's not that I hated it, there was never really anything special. Well, there used to be that wonderful thing called a "Spring Break," but now at BYU I guess we are not special enough to get one. Of course there is Easter, which is also nice. Besides those, I have never loved March, until this year! So many great things are going to happen this month! Now that the cold, love-fest month is over, March is upon us! Easter is the 31st,

Its my puppy's 1st birthday today!

She is way bigger now!

Not much of a lap dog

Even though I leave for college,

She still remembers me! :)

I get to ACTUALLY have a mini spring break in 22 days! We get to go to Texas to visit my sister and her family. I'm so excited to see my little niece. She is so big! She is about 14 months!

She is so precious!

I can't believe that she is walking.

Isn't she a cute little model?

Can't wait to see her!

It's been too long.

She's a little goof ball.

We are going to have to much fun together!

The feeling is mutual Hannah baby!

I also get to see my sister!! I love her so much!

Isn't see pretty??

And lastly.....

I can't tell you... tee hee. It's a surprise! You will just have to wait!!

Still Brave, Still Crazy, Still Mostly Young, Still Me.

Love, Rachel

P.S. ... Find something to love about March!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

spur of the moment

I feel like "spur of the moment" describes me to the letter. I love doing things spur of the moment. I just come up with an idea and I have to do it and I can't get it out of my head. Kinda like being OCD. I do it until I am sick of it and done with that project. Sometimes it's awesome and it makes me motivated to do different things like:

- Doing hours and hours of family history
- Crocheting for almost a whole Christmas break
- Being motivated to do my homework
- Different pieces of artwork

and so on.

However, on the other side, being "spur of the moment" is not always with projects, but getting an idea and having to do it.

So a couple of weeks ago, my friend and I decided to go home to Meridian for the weekend. It however, was not the best idea.... because 1) It was in February and 2) it was snowing. I really just wanted to go and was definitely being stubborn. It was an... experience that I won't ever forget, and I never want to drive in a snow storm again! We did have some fun on the drive back to Provo with the roads being clear.

ATK = All The Kittens

 Awesome Hick Town

^ Check it Out

Still Brave, Still Crazy, Still Mostly Young,
Still Me!
You know where to find me,
Rachel -- I want to sign it xoxo, and feel like Gossip Girl
*Watch Pretty Little Liars Tonight* -- but don't tell me what happens, I'm watching it tomorrow

Monday, February 11, 2013

and the base keeps runnin runnin...

So I have a guilty pleasure. I really like the show "The Biggest Loser." I like the transformations of each contestant and seeing how much weight they can lose each week and at the end. I also liked how I could sit down and eat junk food while I watched them work. haha suckas! Anyways, towards the end of one of the seasons, the players had to run a marathon. For some reason, that really motivated me and made me want to do something awesome like that. Also, I work with this guy who is really into running like every single race there is. Definitely made me feel like a total bum.

That is when I decided to get into shape and get ready for a 5k. If you know me, this is a big deal. I am very anti ever having to exercise most of the time. So I have been starting to get in shape and find the love of running, I guess for me it comes and goes, hopefully it will stay.

I challenge you to exercise. Get in shape like me! Run this race with me!

Wish me luck!

Still Brave, Still Crazy, Still Mostly Young.


P.S. If you haven't heard the song "Just A Fool" by Christina Aguilera and Blake Shelton, you totally should listen to it. It's great!

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Best Major-- The Best Friends

Hands down, no exception, there's nothing better than my major-- Elementary Education. Why? Good question let me tell ya.

1. I'm going to be a teacher!! Who doesn't like kids? They are so fun and make me smile. They really are great and can teach us a lot! They are crazy yes, but they are so funny and say the darnedest things! Let me tell you a few conversations I had with some 2nd graders.

       A. Guy: Are you married?
            Me: No
           Girl: You look pretty enough to be married.

       B. Girl: You are just so sweet!
            Me: Aww, thanks.
            Girl: I want to be a teacher when I grow up... or an Astronaut!
            (That girl takes after my own heart!)

       C. Me: I go to school over there.
           Guy: At BYU?
           Me: Yep.
           Girl: My dad goes to BYU, do you know him??

2. I have made some pretty great friends! Nuff said.

Kylee and Me after Dance final with our accidental matching sweaters!
Don't forget that I was an hour late to that final...

Costa Dinner after watching some kids choreograph their own dances
Too precious to handle!

Costa Dinner!

Having fun at the mall

A beautiful landscape, couldn't resist

Couldn't. Handle. The. Math. Class.


Girls Night Out! Definitely had to have our nails done!
So much emotion!

Love you guys!!

Still Brave, Still Crazy, Still Mostly Young, Still Here,

-----Remember, be happy the groundhog saw his shadow, spring just around the corner??

Friday, January 25, 2013

My Claim to Fame

We all want those 30 seconds where we are on national television right? Our 30,000 milliseconds of awesomeness! Our claim to fame. Maybe not national, but something awesome! Maybe we could be interviewed because we rescued a baby or skydived from the moon, or even had the best photo-bombing! Heck, even curing cancer.... those all would be pretty sweet.

But unfortunately, we don't all get cool claims to fame. I know mine wasn't... eh maybe a little. So far, only about 22,000 people have seen it and I am pretty anonymous. It is a weird prank that they did, and they got me. How would you like it if some RANDOM, weird guy came up to you and asked if his breath smelled bad?

Hey at least I was honest right?

Watch for me, I am at 2:06

Why couldn't I have said something more intelligent instead of "you're not good." Hahahaha oh well. What can I say, I'm full of great one liners!

Words of wisdom.... just in case you are going to be filmed, say something at least a little more clever than me. ;)

Still brave, still crazy, still mostly young, still me!
Love, Rachel

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Man has it been a while. I'm not very good at this consistency thing, but isn't that what the New Years is for, to start up something again? I think i'm gonna try this one.... So here's the ketchup of my life.

Well what's up with me? Thank you for asking. I am now into my second year at Brigham Young University and i'd like to think some the wiser. I am now 20 years old, *Woot Woot!* but saying goodbye to my teenage years is definitely weird. I have always wanted to grow up fast and be old and responsible, but now I have to be old and responsible....

As a sophomore at college I am living off campus and no longer a freshman! However, my apartment-- to say this in the nicest way possible-- had to be around way before dinosaurs roamed the earth. It is extremely old and crappy. I live in the basement which has majorly flooded twice (had to get new carpet padding), and I have come home to wet bathroom floors (I hope it was just water). I am currently typing this while waiting for the lovely carpet men to come back and finish putting in my carpet padding. But come to think of it, would it be home if I didn't have something wrong with my apartment??

However, it isn't all bad. I really do like where I live. I really like living in the basement. It is really nice to have my own place and my own bathroom, to come home and just be able to relax. It is like my own personal cave where no one can enter. I used to have a roommate, my cousin Catherine, but she left on her mission to Canada just yesterday! No one bought a contract to move in with me so, that's right, party in my room!! I am going to miss my cousin though. She is great! She is going to be a great missionary. Don't freeze in Toronto girl! (When I was little my siblings and I made up new lyrics to the Canadian anthem, "O Canada, you are so very cold!" Original I know.)

I am still an Elementary Education major, and this semester is going to be a beast. It's only the second week and I have a ton to do. But I technically did sign up for this so no complaining right? College wouldn't be college if I didn't fail a few classes... Joke Dad! So far I haven't failed any classes and one semester I will get a 4.0.... before I graduate. I have made some great friends in my program. It is a very fun major that have some awesome classes. Last semester I took a dance ed class. I also took a elementary music class where I got to learn a unique instrument called the autoharp. Basically it is a simplified guitar but instead of having to put your fingers on the strings to make cords, you just press buttons, which is awesome because that means I can play it very well! It made me feel a little bit cool when I would have autoharp jam sessions.

I got a job. It is at the BYU Independent Study Center. I work in the testing department. That means I deal with all of the tests. Profound yes. I grade tests, sort tests, answer the phone, stuff like that. The best part is that I get to work with my brother. AHHHH! Yeah, it actually is great because I do like seeing him almost everyday and just get to hang out with him. We are quite the dynamic duo. I have great coworkers and a great boss (I don't only say that just in case she might read this, she really is awesome). I've been working there for about a month so I'm not quite as a noobie as I was when I first started working so I don't always have the deer in the headlights look.

I am looking forward for a great semester! I will try my best to stay on top of my blog, I am an official official adult now right? It's more than just an official adult. Have a great day! Here ----> is where I will try to say something profound every time, or at least just a little tidbit of the day.......

-----> Remember to be grateful for your health. Over the break, I had a couple of different bugs that caused me to be sick for 2 out of the 3 weeks of break, some worse than others. Alyssa and Hannah I will pray for you! You show that flu bug who's boss!!!

You know where to find me!

Here are some pictures

Playing the Autohardp!

Me and my cousin/roommate Catherine
Me and my beautiful sister Alyssa
My new puppy!!

Me and my brother supporting the Olympics

Me and Cassidi